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February 13, 2011

What are the causes of Hearing Impairment?

Causes of Hearing Impairment:

Prenatal Causes: Toxic conditions Viral diseases like mumps, influenza, German measles Congenital malformation such as lack/closure of the external canal of the ear, ossification (the hardening of soft tissue as a result of impregnation of calcium salt) of the 3 little bones in the ear and the oval window.

Perinatal Causes Traumatic experience during the delivery as pelvic pressure or injury, use of forceps (a specialized surgical instrument of different designs but always with two parts that move together to hold something such as dressings, tissues, or organs) and intracranial hemorrhage. Anoxia or lack of oxygen due to prolonged labor Heavy sedation (the use of a sedative or tranquilizing drug to induce a state of calm, restfulness, or drowsiness) Blockage of the infant’s respiratory passage Postnatal Causes Disease/ailments such as meningitis, external otitis (inflammation of the outer ear), otitis media (running, discharging ear(s) or the infection of the middle ear, and impacted or hardened earwax (cerumen) which may lead to infection.

Accidents/trauma such as falls, head bumps, over exposure to high frequency sounds and extremely loud explosions, puncturing of eardrum, difference in pressure between air outside and that one inside the middle ear due to changes in altitude and undrained water in the ear due to frequent swimming. Heredity Prematurity Malnutrition Rh factor- incompatibility of parent’s blood Over dosage of Medicine

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