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February 6, 2011

How to Handle Special Children?

Me and My Sister Who had passed away..
Handling special children is a tough job. It needs your full patience and your devotion to it. As a teacher, I encounter a lot challenges in handling special children. It requires your whole heart, and your whole soul to educate them. They really in need of special attention, care and love from you. I understand those parents who have special child. Sometimes, we like to surrender and let him alone.. But the fruit there is, you have an angel that makes you strong, good parent and loving guardian.. 
We have many questions about special children, but let me categorized it into four: a. How sure are you? b. What to look for? c. What to do? d. How to do?

·         When a child behaves in any manner but it seems extreme...continue to observe.

           ·          NON-COMPLIANCE-When he seems to understand what you say, or even have been punished before, but does not comply just the next minute...he is not being stubborn or disobedient, but it is a symptom of being unable to control oneself.
           ·           ADHD-For an ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)child; he will do all kinds of things to get your attention, even if it means getting scolded or punishment. In addition he will be very hyperactive and will be fidgeting even while sitting.
           ·           ADD-An ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) child, is not hyperactive, but does all kinds of things to get your attention, and it will seem very distracting and disturbing.
           ·          NO EYE CONTACT-Does not look into your eyes while talking.
           ·          PLAYS DEAF-You can be calling him/her just very close, but no response.
           ·          SPEECH DIFFICULTY-Does not speak at the age expected and/or just babbling.
           ·           LANGUAGE DISABILITY-Can only grasp a certain language or only one language.
           ·          LOVES ARRANGING THINGS-Seeing similar things in a mess, he will have to arrange in order before leaving.
           ·           SOCIAL DISTURBANCE-Does not get acquainted with peers well.

·         For Non-Compliance - keep reminding at short intervals.
·         For ADHD - give them things that interest them eg. blocks, so assist them to focus.
·         For ADD - give them the attention they want.
·         For No-Eye Contact - try to get them to look at you when speaking to him.
·          For Playing Deaf - call and attract them with what they like.
·         For Speech Difficulty - to go for therapy.
·          For Language Disability-Can't force a new language into him/her but can mildly input into him/her.
·         For Social Disturbance - needs psychology guidance.

·         With help of parents and care-takers or teachers and must have necessary therapy with the right specialist.
  However, before comfirming, check with a doctor / phycologist, so that you can be given the right
treatment or recommended to the right therapist.You will need a child specialist for all specific areas or a
trained teacher to work together with their parents

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