- Husbands and wives in the same family learn differently from each other.
- Siblings do not share the same learning styles.
- Whether children do well in school depends on the "luck of the draw"- whether their learning styles match or do not match-their teachers' teaching styles.
- "LD" does not necessarily mean that the child is LEARNING-Disabled; it could mean that the child is TEACHING-disabled.
- How children study determines whether or not they learn. The question isn't: SHOULD children do homework? Rather, it should be: HOW should they do?
- If, by age six, a child isn't reading, he's been taught using the wrong method.
- When a global child fails math, the odds that his teacher analytic. Most children master most topics and most subjects. Their academic difficulties begin when their teacher does not teach according to the way they learn.
- Some children learn best while sitting on the floor under soft light, with the television or radio on, and surrounded by food. when they are allowed to do so, they process information globally.
- "Night owls" do not learn while the sun shines.
- Some youngster cannot work without breaks.
- Some youngsters cannot think without moving.
- Some youngsters cannot learn by themselves; others cannot concentrate with an adult nearby.
- When learning, some like it HOT while some like it COLD- environment.
- A Child may not actually be "problem" child; he just may be nonconforming (some kids, rules are made to be broken!)
- Some children are "punished by rewards", others are rewarded by punishment. Unfortunately, some children refuse or will NOT learn from the mistakes their parents made.
- Parents need to internalize that:
- Every child is uniquely different.
- Every child has strengths.
- Children learn best through their unique strengths; few children learn best through their weaknesses.
- without knowing it, many parents teach their children weaknesses
- Most parents have not been taught to identify their individual children strengths.
- Most children are unaware of their own strengths.